lil thing i did for !!! shes infodumping about boats btw

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Do boats exist in this world?

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Edward Payne’s Tuna Boats, with subject matter and a blurred appearance unlike his more familiar Western landscapes, brought $27,500 at the annual Coeur d’Alene Art Auction.

More stunning pieces at

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Drowning is over. We still have a problem with water filling lungs. We're still doing a lot of work on it, but drowning is over.

If you notice, nobody is buying lifeboats. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape.

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Eiko is my ocean loving batty.
She has a love of the sea, ocean life, and boats. She is a Pirate captain. She's stern and overbearing at times, but her crew really looks up to her strong will, tenacious attitude, and little fear.

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Had a weird dream last night where everybody’s running away from a really dark storm cloud scrambling to get into shelter before the darkness consumes them like how Silent Hill is and cars/boats/planes were falling from the sky. It’s weird.

So what did you guys dream last night?

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A series of boats from Wales, Ireland and Kent

I’m thinking a series of refrigerators from Scotland next…

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Day 15 of Subtember
tiny sailboats and some beach chonkers~

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The nymphs rise on the bow waves of the great barges before plunging beneath fishing boats, playing tag with nets and oars.

‘This book sucked me right wonderfully written.’

Be tempted by these Goodreads reviews!

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In Finistère, damp straw was burned in boats' holds to drive out the spirits of robbers who hid there. But as the spirits could make themselves tiny, the smoke had to fill every crack...

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Pictured is a transparent oil on glass by Thomas Gainsborough of a coastal scene w/ sailing and rowing boats in 1783, likely one of his ‘Show Box’ transparencies.

One of Gainsborough’s purposes for his ‘Show Box’ was to see and explore different effects of lighting.

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This motherfucker is wearing BOATS on its hands and feet in order to surf across the canal.

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It’s autumn now already
I’m righting leaky boats
Beached but going steady
Awaiting tides
With shanty notes

Let’s stop the holes with tar
De-barnacle the hull
This boat might float afar
And go the way
Of seaswell’s pull


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Wigerus Vitringa
A smalschip and other boats in a swell

6 22

Sailboats in my hair again

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