Because I like this swimming suit very much, then I drew it again. I'm too busy to paint more, need drawing a little bit and then back to work. Just white ink dropped, don't be serious!!

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Hello Sunday.
Shining sun with girls in flower garden. Hope you like it. Finish 7 days!!
I drafted one day for 7 pics and keep to end up one-by-one. Now I need to do some commissions works and take some rest.

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Happy Saturday!
Yesterday with air hostess girl. Today is doctor! Need some advice to healthier habit from her.
Tomorrow is last day for this series. Thank you for all support!!

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Happy Thursday!
Today is English teacher with orange tone cloth! Are teacher use pointer nowadays? But this is symbolic about "teacher"

Hope all you guys best wish today!

6 11

Happy Wednesday with military girl!!
Why big gun? Just need some balance with her breasts!
This day is holiday in Thailand. Let's relax and be happy all day.

4 9

Hello Tuesday with model girl at Motors show in pink tone.
Hope for happy day for all workers!!

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Just wanna do "Hello every set" in way to say good morning.
Today is Monday. Let's go to university.

6 14

No luck. Then draw it.
She is one of my fevorite characters because she has big breasts.

9 28

Just kidding about people who don't need Google.
Hope you guys still ask her everyday.

3 9

Hom many dumplings in this pic? What is your fevorite flavour in 7-11?

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Lazy to draw pants. Change line's color into green that is 7-11 theme.

1 6

Short hair style!! From my fanpages' idea. I'm trying to draw some different compose. It's fun.

3 7

Want to draw more breasts but don't have more time. Easy sketch first, and then get some new style girl!

2 7

Can't finish it. Tomorrow I will go out all day. When will complete this pic?

4 14

Can't finish it. Tomorrow I will go out all day. When will complete this pic?

1 8

So exhausted last night...just relax by drawing . I've never been draw Lancer Artoria although she is my favorite character. Because I was tired then I drew only spear, no more clothes.

Uncensored version on Twitter.

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