It was time to draw again this guy,Pepo Man another of my OC Robot Masters.
Based in

(esta wea iba a ser algo para tu sapo verde pero me tarde un chingo)

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Here's a prize for the 1st winner of my art raffle, , who asked me to design a Robot Master based on 2B from Nier and a MM Zero Pantheon. This here's Drone Woman who can send out drones to mind control other robots.

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My part of art trade with .I drew his OC RM,Raptor Woman in Hatakeyama's MM9 concept art.

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Updated art for one of my original robot masters, Teawoman! She is a selfish robot who always wants to live in the lap of luxury, and always neglects her function of being a companion for the elderly.

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Twist Tortle. Yes His name Breaks typical RM fashion. I was 12 and undecided if he was gonna be a RM or Maverick. ( ive got version of both for him ) Posting classic RM so far.

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Here's Treat Man in colour!

This popsicle themed promotes a frozen foods company and provides emergency cooling.

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Sketched another RM in Hatakeyama's MM9 concept art style. This here's Ink Woman, a copyrighter robot who strives for creativity in a place of technicalities. She dreams of opening up a jazz cafe one day.

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Nymph Woman, a RM design I sketched up for the RMC contest's sample entries but opted to leave out due to it not being creative enough. Drew her in Hatakeyama's style (MM9 concept art). Nothing sus about her, nope.

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Day 11- here's Torment Woman, who's based on an Iron Maiden. Pretty edgy for Classic, but it's halloween-month. XD

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This is for Day 10! She's a robot that monitors bat colonies' health with smaller bat drones. She can also use those drones to attack or defend.

Looks scary, but she's a hot topic goth.

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Time's up!

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Here's my next piece, a new themed Dullahan Woman! (Behead Woman just seemed too grim a name for Mega Man lol)

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Day 6, here's Sani Man. He's a cleaning who disinfects stuff.

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Feather Woman in the concept art style of Megaman 9 for

Last of the winners of my Twitter art raffle.Congratz dude!

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First half of the prize for for People's Choice victory in this year's

from at the beach! Two variations.

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