✨ Scanlan Shorthalt✨

I laughed so much because of this epic Gnome bard! Sam Riegel is an absolute legend!

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Este especius é do universo CAN-143, tudo deste universo é feito de doce, ele é de um planetoide chamado Canland; por la td é derivado de doces rosa, e existem os chicletus, a especie predominante neste+

1 6

found the scanlated copies for the SetsuRina fanbook Blazelectro by tohonifun

Can't read Chinese, but judging from the panels, it seems like Setsuna and Rina got along pretty well over a game of Smash Bros

0 4

Dimension Door büyüsünün daha önce gördüğün ve gözünde canlandırabildiğin bir yere seni götürebildiği ama Gate büyüsünün seni başka bir boyuta götürdüğü farkını 20 yılı aşkın kafamdan atamıyor olmam.

0 14

I did this Scanlation from ctrl + t2 book of Inio Asano.

What do ya think.

Also I don't wanna forget, to say thanks to Nel from the dededede server, he was the one who he gave me the raws.

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[repost] this will always be one my fav artworks I’ve ever drawn, I miss scanlan and pike so much 🌿💜💛

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Episode 5, is live! Join your hosts and Chris of as we read Volume 5! Derek makes the wojak face when he finds out Chris is a Giants and we all make fun of some bad scanlations!

Find all podcasts links on anchor @ https://t.co/OHtVmhc67n

9 16

bonus doodle... ive been watching a scanlan supercut cos i like bards

8 39

Well, here's ONE of those sneak peaks that I posted a while ago:
Strike Witches: The Witches of Andorra - Chapter 1!
This is a series of shorts by our lord and savior Nogami-sensei~!

4 9

950 Yıl önce Canlarını feda edip Bize İlelebed bir yurt veren Tüm Şehitlerimize Allah Rahmet eylesin!

Malazgirt Meydan Muharebesi
Kıyamete kadar çıkmayacağı bir Yurt etmiştir
En ufak bir emeği olan Tüm Atalarımızın Mekanı Cennet olsun!

197 380

Zor ama özel bir sayıyla karşınızdayız bu ay. 166. sayımızı ülke çapındaki yangınlarda kaybettiğimiz tüm canlarımıza adadık, tüm gelirini de yangın bölgelerine göndermeye karar verdik. Okurlarımıza şimdiden teşekkür ederiz. https://t.co/XCfqToQPsL

48 284

When the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy was implemented, we were told it was about saving jobs. How does it work and does it actually save jobs? Or is it a giant corporate welfare scheme?
Here's a thread:

43 82

WIP: so rewatching Bards Lament is a sure fire way to cry.. in turn I felt the need to attempt my fave bard.. Scanlan I do be missin u rn (also he’s a pretty gnome…. So he gets my pretty boy treatment sue me)

3 21

Hey guys, some unfortunate personal matters happened recently, and I am trying to find some fairly steady work that can help me get through late august and beyond. I am available for work in Burbank/LA area & remote
contact: lindsayscanlan.calarts.edu

26 70

2. sezon çekimleri devam eden The Wheel of Time dizisinin ilk sezonundan ilk poster yayınlandı. Dizi, Kasım 2021’de Amazon’un platformu Prime Video’da yayınlanacak.

Heyecanla beklenen dizinin başrolü Rosamund Pike’ın.

1 28

The First of the Might Nein set!

Idk why, but Fjord, Caleb and Beau ties the top spot for my fave Nein members unlike in VM where Scanlan-Grog are my one-two punch.

Who's yours?

Art by

6 73

Very fuckt up that there's no ENG or even ANY scanlations of this please im deprived

3 10

Çıkar şu takım elbiseni de GÖZLERİMİZ ŞENLENSİNN AĞAĞAĞAĞAĞAĞAĞAĞA heycanlandıımm🛐🛐🛐

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