画質 高画質

I will always be so proud of this Higgs animation. I learned so much about motion watching the original scene, and trying to emulate that fluidity

0 11

Death Stranding AU painting where Sam became the Particle of God instead of Higgs

7 33

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN - this year for inktober i’ll be drawing mads mikkelsen everyday for hopefully 31 days :) no promises that i’ll colour each one tho hehe

5 16

'Cause we're a long way from home

2 21

Mrrh. So sleeepyy. Been up playing DEATH STRANDING and holy sheeyit its HELLA GOOD. Prolly gunna stream it later today after I wake up! Anyone wanna cuddle & play it with meeee~?

3 20

transporting a pissydachi in kojimas next game 😳💛💛#pomupaint

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Even the heart will stop eventually. 💙

45 302