Portrait of Adore Delano, painted in CSP using Wes Gardner's brushes. Process breakdown below! ,

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UNE VICTOIRE MÉRITÉE 👏👏👏👏 Même si toutes les queens de la saison étaient incroyable 😭😭😍
notice me 👉👈


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Now that we have the and the host, isn't Drag Race without it's Though I didn't draw it, here's some character that would be part of Roommate Drag Race's Pitcrew!

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Roommate Drag Race closeup 5: Comptesse DaBear

Beary LOVES rainbows, so a rainbow drag was absolutely necessary! The dress is white for white bein every color at once.

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Roommate Drag Race closeup 4: Lady DeBiatch the 3rd

Louarn wanted a look that told anime, goth and pink, so I went with some anime evil mistress. They also requested the very Sailor-Moony haircut.

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Roommate Drag Race closep 3: Mona Tres

This one was inspired by Lony being a fan of the liscence. I wanted to make this like a cosplay but with a touch

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The Great High Doll herself !

Qui va gagner ce soir 👀 ?

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✨ Se Acabó ✨ El de hoy os lo patrocina la gran y su espectáculo en el ❤️‍🔥 ¡Id a verla y tiradle las bragas INSENSATOS!

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Voici donc Tiggy Stardust (Tiggy), Lady DeBiatch the Third (Louarn), Mistrella Noctis (Wolfy), Comptesse DaBear (Beary) et Mona Tres (Lony)

Merci à mes colocs de m'avoir fourni leurs idées de Drag et leurs DragNames ❤️

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Ca y est! Je voulais le faire depuis longtemps: un crossover entre ma BD "My Roommate Life" et Je voulais le publier avant la finale de et vu que c'est après demain, je suis bon \o/

Plus de détails en dessous ⬇️

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