запрыгиваю в уходящий поезд, но очень хотела сделать!👁️👁️🌻

5 256

единственное что способно меня пробудить - тупые бесполезные челленджи с глазками

0 4

// eyes

i did the thingie

0 0

but I'm left handed

15 80

but it's just me playing with Wangxian's eye shapes and makeup ideas because they coincidentally synced up.

17 60

So I done the thing (I really have to stop starting my posts with "so"..I usually dont know how to start them)I dont post often here, since I want to be something that I putted more effort in insta I post almost every drawings

0 0

been seeing this going around and I wanted to try it

5 44

I did the eye meme on Insta! It was a good painting exercise for me :]]

7 58

Vocês conseguem adivinhar de quem é cada olho sem a pintura ??

2 32

So I did the and created some ocs designs

1 8

joining the (nyobain brush tapi berujung kebablasan)

9 46

Another entry, while im trying to figure out my style of digital art. Anyways, pick one!!

6 27

я конечно все пропустила пока был фест но все равно прыгну в уезжающий поезд
главное это реснички

0 2