Thank you for Temma's sweet singing! 8万人おめでとう!!!!

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Emma's cluelessness and acceptance.

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Happy Ending Anniversary😇#ThePromisedNeverland TPN was a great series! The ending is so bittersweet (more sweet than bitter) but such a fitting end. Emma's sunshine is so infectious and it made the ending so beautiful.

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instead of doing things i should've been doing my brain kicked me in the face and said 'DRAW TEMMA' so i quickly did

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Guru-eFX, since 2001 doing the best textures for Emma's diamond form

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TPN's first and final quotes were the same: Emma answering her family's call. Emma's motto "Humans aren't weak" was widely publicized during Volume 20 promotion. A promotional poster displayed in Shibuya had a cameo in Shirai's one shot "We were Born."

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A TPN prototype one shot was Ashley Goeth no Yukue (2015). The titular character Ashley was trapped inside a hospital (actually a prison) with his memories, name and previous identity removed. Ashley's prisoner ID and Emma's farm ID are rearrangements of the same numbers.

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I really need to bring back the ''Gimme a food for emma'' thing again , It always came out such cute ideas out of it and I love this ones way too much.

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Another disclaimer:
I actually forgot to fill Emma's screen in this panel

0 109 great of theirs. Emma's underestimation of Angelica proves her undoing, the young girl taunting her by threatening to disfigure Emma's face–the woman truly, genuinely scared for the first time we've seen on page.

Angelica offers mercy, but with the expectation that...

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...through line, as Emma's mentorship of Angelica comes back to spite her in the end.

With masks dropped and illusions stripped away, Emma can no longer deny the harm she's caused Angelica, and while I *do* love myself some Ms. Frost, there's something wildly satisfying...

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...of Emma's plot. The fatal flaw of nearly all of the Inner Circle members–from Mastermind's loss during the Dark Phoenix Saga to Emma's comeuppance now–is that their arrogance and entitlement prevents them seeing their own defeats on the horizon.

Firestar continues that...

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...loyalty to Shaw. As part of the two Club leaders' plot to use Angelica's microwave ability to take Selene off the table, they've invited the girl to attend the Hellfire Gala (😉) as Emma's escort.

Randal, who over his years of protecting Angelica has come to care for her...

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...which she had spent so long trying to contain is finally allowed out, the shy girl we once knew fully equipped to end the Selene's life at Emma's behest.

Even though she's written as absurdly wicked, DeFalco finally captures an important piece of Emma's characterization...

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The pieces are all in place for Firestar's final transition, and Shaw and Emma's plot to take Selene off the board ready to go.

But, you'll have to wait until Firestar to see what happens next...

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...her plans for Firestar's development into her assassin. But, in her blissful ignorance and naïvety, Angelica is happy to travel nonetheless.

Emma's Hallucinator (trademark revoked) further assists her in conditioning, fomenting Angelica's fear and hatred of the X-Men.

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...way to go (thankfully) before she's ready to be Emma's murderous guard dog.

I love the idea that much like the New Mutants, the Hellions also attend dance classes as a means of strengthening their combat skills, although I question Roulette's dye job.

For a girl who hates...

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I remember people had theories that poppy could be noremma's child lol

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...her murder of Angelica's favorite horse, Butter Rum.

It's a moment of exceptional cruelty rarely revisited in the books (I wonder why?) that riskily could have made Emma's character irredeemable in the future.

Emma's gaslighting works; Angelica now fully belongs to her.

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