Ceyda Lionfly, sie kommt aus einer der Metropolen von DX-432 (so der Planet). Sie ist Blumenhändlerin, denn Pflanzen sind ihr Ding. Die Flügel sind (zu ihrer eigenen Enttäuschung) einfach nur hübsch, unpraktisch & nicht zum fliegen.

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Sorry about my sudden disappearance, was working on this that def didn't take a week. Felt like drawing a few of my favorite Sonic characters I've seen and this came of it!

Fuchsia (dragon) mine
Nine (white hedgehog)
Umbra (Blue hedgehog?)

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Slams down my absolute baby of a troll just for you! Her name is Bimbah and she is a Heiress fuchsia who is just too stupid ( and too cute ) to get culled, so she lived with the Empress, who she calls lusus!

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Ohayo, podem me chamar de Koga ou Fuchsia, faço umas pixel arts de vez em nunca, espero que gostem

Amo esse cara aqui ele é um gostoso!

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Next up on my card list I thought it was time I gave some very much needed love the the fuchsia fish princess herself feferi :). Plus it my first time drawing her.

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Hey Peeps! Es ist Sonntag, das bedeutet, keine Aufträge sondern freies Zeichnen!
Heute arbeite ich an zwei Sachen weiter. Den süßen Fuchs Emotes und meinen Kanalbadges!

Jetzt auf

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Ernst Fuchs - Die Geburt der Venus (1974)

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Boa tarde rapaziada, podem me chamar de Fuchsia, faço umas artes digitais e umas pixel arts de vez em quando, comecei a postar no tt a pouco tempo, espero que curtam minhas artes

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Match Point (Love & Game)

A jornalista esportiva de um dos maiores portais de notícias de Londres, Sarah Fuchs de 25 anos, está em busca da cobertura da sua vida, para finalmente conquistar a sua tão sonhada promoção.


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Prazer, podem me chamar de Fuchsia, faço desenhos, mas meu forte são as pixel arts, curto muito conversar sobre jogos, então se alguém tiver a fim de trocar uma ideia, só me chamar
Não tem muito oque falar sobre minhas arts, não sou muito bom com apresentações sorry

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I fell in love with a friends character, and asked what their reaction with my girl Fuchsia would be like. I gathered a little idea and made this!

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Da kommt ein großes Fuchs Set auf euch zu!
Bin mir über den preis noch nicht sicher.
Aber mal sehen.🦊
Ein kleiner Teil dieses Set's wird dann für Patreon sein!

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is trending!
Since you're coming by, what about read a small mspfa called "Space Entail"?
We have the fuchsia fish bros with questionable weapons, a seadweller dancing with a broom and more jokes and mysteries!

Give it a chance and have fun!

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Q-flower 009-v
*model : viola
*glass eye : fuchsia pink
*wig : silver/bunches


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