Here's my final pink Arin, videogame boy extraordinaire.

He has a very complex face & changing the hair was a big plus too. I still have so much to learn!

Painted in procreate with 1 oil brush and 1 blender.

I hope it's more acceptable now!

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I dont know why Episode 47 of gamegrumps ocarina of time made me laugh to draw this but it did.
He gave me hilarious vibes.

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Lines were taken from Game Grumps’ “Yoshi’s Cookie” Part 1, I just couldn’t help imagining Kaito and Shu cx 💜💙

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I haven't watched the Grumps for a while and now I come back to two grown ass men speaking in otaku-tiktok-nese

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Drew an updated grumphead! He needed his bright pink streak and a beard. :]

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I tried something out of my comfort zone ☺️

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Thanks for making me cry laugh through this damn game. Lmao

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Hey hey im Zane and go by he/him, im kinda late but whatever.
I draw this sorta, i cosplay sometimes (all stuff on my carrd in bio)
I draw alot of technoblade, gamegrumps, and rubberross stuff. :) (alot of this is doodles but i know how to draw srsly /hj)

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So far the Game Grumps playthrough of It Takes Two is amazing. <3 When does Dan start trolling Arin?

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i uh,,,,, draw sometimes??
im mostly in beeduotwt and sbitwt (and sometimes ggtwt (gamegrumps) and grllztwt (gorillaz))
uhh thats it nothing special /gen

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Are you happy, Twitter? This is what your decision has wrought. Fairy dragon Danny in sparkly fuckin bellbottoms. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY. (i know i am <3 <3 <3)

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Since the furry body pillows dropped I wanted to see a furry Game Gyaru version so I drew it I used colour scheme

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