ever since i was 12 i wanted these two to be my thigh tattoos

and you know what?
fuck this I need to save some goddamn money so i can finally do it

(I was poison pilled by my brother who kept shaming me from getting tats

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// mentions of death, suicide

That alternative ending where somang came back to the past the same day hamin died. Given another chance she saved him...🥹

"No matter how life sucks, you have to be alive — and date me."

90 400

my baby hamin and jaemin you deserve better 🥺🥺

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funny how seasons of blossom webtoon emphasizes a lot of times how hamin and jaemin look a lot like eo and even the latest sob illustration is showcasing that resemblance meanwhile sob drama hamin and jaemin don't even resemble eo a bit like who are we kidding here? 😭

2 20

Jaehyeon: “Does he actually resemble you this much?”
Jaemin: “Oh... Yeah, 'cause we're brothers... And I miss him so much.”
(Hamin's Flower, Ch. 56)

242 932


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Cricket discovers how to make methamphethamine to cure the breath of evil

5 13

how am i supposed to accept that THE KIM JAEHYUN doesnt exist in seasons of blossom webdrama adaptation i mean hes one of important characters in hamin's flower how are they gonna alter all those scenes he was in??? completely erasing his existence just doesnt make sense AT ALL

15 31

We are excited to announce our latest collaboration with Nuhamin is LIVE NOW on

This stunning 1/1 is a work of art by and we’d love for you to check it out!

View it here: https://t.co/dFxAJBQHxj

8 21

Selamat! Kamu mendapat undangan pernikahan dari Hamin & Somang.

Lokasi: Hotel SOB
Tanggal: 5 September 2022

57 281

THEE KIM JAEHYUN throughout hamin's flower arc appreciation tweet because people didnt appreciate him enough!

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