doctor doom as the red death & mister fantastic in rachael stott couture ❤️💙

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Shout out to Method Man Winston Duke and Eminem for coming to the X-men

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Ladies and gentlemen, humans and mutants. I give you, your X-men!

Amazing artwork!

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We call this “Big Looking for a 3rd” energy

11 60

Kevin Feige se paye un caméo en comics pour le des X-Men. Blague méta sur le "what's your story" évoquant le rachat de la Fox par Disney et le retour des X-Men chez Marvel Studios.


3 38

The is quite possibly one of the hippest things to happen to the in a while. And it gives us moments like this!

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Emma Frost, White Queen of the Hellfire. 💎

15 108

Don’t tell me that didn’t attend the - I haven’t seen her yet but if anyone would be there, it’s her. So I drew her.

49 285

Had a great time at the & it was even better because I got go with my Marvel Fam & ! What an honor to be drawn for a comic. Thank you to the talented & colors by
Catch me in X-Force On sale now!

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