Resolvi aproveitar a hashtag pra enaltecer a Amelia de com uma fanArt, espero que gostem, e se puderem ❤️+🔁 pra ajudar o artista :3


30 81

Its okay Min. I'm not going anywhere, I won't leave you.

178 715

Five, six, eleven, twelve! I love this show with al my heart thanks and al the crew for this amazing show and please

85 240

Fan art of Ryan, Min Gi and Kez from Infinity Train book 4. I love Infinity Train so much, it would mean the world to be to get it renewed.

1 3

these gay asian canadians from the 80s play a concert in my head 24/7

14 44

This entire scene was just *chef kiss*.

The way they used the split scene was just hferjgnva I knew I had to renew it.

26 69

So much love for !!! The storytelling and the CHARACTERS 💯✨ really can’t get enough of this show
Huge thank you to and his team

special thanks for giving us tiny
💙Min-Gi and Ryan❤️

5 23

Me uno a la causa y aprovecho para resubir un dibujo que hice de mi personaje favorito de toda la serie, Lake

2 5

Hazel is a delightful character and I'd love to see where her story goes and learn about the interesting nuances of her character design and how they connect to other characters and why!

1 2

I’m gonna dress my cat in a tuque! I’m gonna dress my dog in a tuque! 🎶

325 735

Give it all up forrrrr *drum roll sound effects* Chicken Choice Judy! 5, 6, 11, 12!

Anyways pls stream Infinity Train on HBO Max if u have the subscription, thank you✌

222 614