January: Excited for more artist alleys and traveling

September: Restricted to certain areas due to work, paranoid about COVID 24/7, constant work/class work https://t.co/zQaTirswf9

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January: working at the office, enjoying my daily routine, going to cons and outings with friends, drinking maybe too much coffee
September: birth is a curse and existence is a prison, etc etc etc coffee cant help me now https://t.co/XAKUwHTkIk

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January: have a job that i like
got a new car!
in talks about moving in with my partner and getting engaged soon
disneyland annual pass, baybey!!

September: indefinitely furloughed
havent driven car in months
engagement put off bc covid

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January: Making cosplays, friends were sleepin over, prepping for Katsucon, flying out to see friends, planning Disney trip/Con guesting

Now: Backlogged on commission orders due to COVID shipping delays, 90% wrapped in blanket, what day it be, haircut no, internet is only friend https://t.co/PC0jsKWEt7

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January: happiest I’ve been in a long time ! depression almost completely gone ! excited for the future !

September: depression back in full swing. disassociate most of the day so I’m always confused. where am I what time is it when did I start holding a cup ?? got bangs again https://t.co/EnrNZdaKuA

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January: Excited to finally enjoy Santa Cruz and looking forward to enjoy my junior year

September: emotionally burnt out cuz life tossed me through a fucking wringer all year and the only things getting me through it are coffee, games, my friends, and my bf https://t.co/hNue2dJvF4

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january vs september
January: Horribly starting to get sick and had covid wave 1 till may
September: About to dye hair pink and enjoying self with loving a new outlook of positve life

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January:We’re going to JAPAN. I’m gonna take art seriously!! I’m gonna be a kinder person!!! We’re gonna get a CAT!!!!

September: We got a cat. https://t.co/eKo9nIhvsF

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january: yay!!!! a new year!!!

september: more of the same yet somehow worse https://t.co/mw8E0ewAp7

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January: livin my best life. Working pretty often. Goin to go kpop concerts.

September: working once or twice a week. Staying home all the time. Not talking to anyone I don’t live with. https://t.co/nTWSTEzUNO

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January VS September
January:Oh man 2020s gonna be great!I like my family and I'll be sad sad when I have to move out and stuff

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January: doing their best but something hasn't clicked, feels relatively inept most of the time, barely starting to acknowledge bad shit from the past
Now: 6 months of introspection under the belt, in an amazing relationship, still really struggling but happiest they've ever been https://t.co/UYr0503QlJ

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January: I'm going to go to Disney soon, and this is the year I'm finally going to get married, and everything is great!

Now: Another energy drink, plz.

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january: just married, excited to go visit my friends in canada, hoping we might get to move
september: very tired, very afraid, trying to keep it together but feeling very loved by my friends https://t.co/yj18yXgeTB

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January vs. September

January: A hobbit whose very hopeful for this new year and new film gigs.

September: An utterly feral hobbit whose living her best life around COVID.

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january: working, just trying to vibe and not think of the impending doom of finding a trajectory in life

september: still working now pandemic era, trying to stay afloat mentally, bleached some parts of my hair which has been the only confidence boost I've had in months https://t.co/9gwsanqc15

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January: oh boy I know my friends are gone but I’m going to have a good year going to cons
September: The only part of me that’s been somewhere is my hair down to the end of my neck https://t.co/nObotufcRh

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January: Went to the gym, ate healthy. Maybe stressed and tired, but ready to get my life together.
September: Tired, hair dirty, gained like 6 kilos, eating junk & even more stressed than before. Trying not to think about things to keep myself sane.

Don't know what went wrong.. https://t.co/1AYvz3uZhc

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january vs september

January: depressed + anxiety attacks + sensory overload + insomnia + hope to get MCR tickets @ MK stadium gig

September: "Oh, come on! Really!?" + 8000% done + tired™️ + a little more hopeful, despite everything + still very confused + gonna end some things https://t.co/DiCw7rTMcv

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January: excited about planned trips around Europe, plans to start my own business, tired but healthy

September: worked during the pandemic, moved in with partner to a new place, body is breaking.
Needs a vacation (haven't had a day off since Feb) , but overall happy. https://t.co/9UKqg6w0Nk

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