funny little koishi for 👁️💚#touhou

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Koishi is enjoying a can of Pringles.

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Going to sleep, gn

Day 1 of trying to dream about Koishi! Koishi x Nitori is kinda adorable

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Drawing of Koishi for a dear friend who has been in a bad mood for a few days.
Koishi has a very unique design so i thought it would be too hard to draw her at first but i can't believe how good i was able to draw it!

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Me es difícil tener un estilo acentado de ojos, el resultado que más me gusta es el de mi último dibujo de Koishi y, aunque parezcan 2 simples círculos, fue difícil llegar a ese resultado y no sé pq me complica replicarlo---

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Koishi & Hachune Miku are enjoying a golden apple.

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koishi komeiji

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Koishi Komeiji should be Fighter Pack 12!

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