I'm rewatching Inuyasha and I'm on ep 117 right now. It's such an amazing episode I can't stop but screenshot every second lol. First, the art style is beautiful, only second to Shoko Ikeda. The animation director was Mamiko Nakanishi, but she only directed 12 episodes 😩.

1 8

🧡 Grace Stone 🧡
New of Athena Karkanis as Grace from

Dedicated to 😎

4 17

🌪Au RN, on lave plus blanc que blanc ?

Une enquête et un grand entretien avec par , et Léa Mouthon, et rhabillé par ⤵️

La balkanisation de Vaulx-en-Velin ou du quartier de la Guillotière à ? Ok, on en parle.

6 10

この度🦀(@ kanisyabukkk) さん宅の雨夜 暁さんと拙宅の明嵐 葛の方で初恋成就させていただきました☺️

2 10

Arkanis -my D&D character- a Tiefling Warlock ready to set your heart on fire
(I mean... literally)

10 38

✨ J u n e - J u l y batch is open✨

For commissioning please fill the form and send it to my DM/Email along with the references attached!!

📩 canrakanisya00.com
🌸 https://t.co/7DC3Xgwoiz

65 138

Happy Birthday Sakubo!
Real Name Nakanishi Iori
Birth Date May 26, 2006

9 47

12.5.1551: Die Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima wird auf Geheiß von Karl V. gegründet. Sie ist die älteste durchgehend existierende auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent.

5 20

My Favorite Sleeve Designer
001:Simone Grant

Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft – Kebabträume / Gewalt
Mute 1980

Lyntone Pressing

Vocals by Gabi Delgado-Lopez
Drums by Robert Görl
Bass by Michael Kemner
Guitar by Wolfgang Spelmanns
Synthesizer by Ludwig Hass

1 3


20 73

現代アーティスト・Rei Nakanishiさんの⽇本初個展『yinyang』。
@ 銀座 蔦屋書店アートウォール・ギャラリー

1 1

Wanted to practice some things, and a dream recently got me inspired to draw one of my oldest characters, Kanisara. I feel old, I thought her up 15 years ago now 🙃 Proud of this one!

1 3

Kanisawa Moeko, Kimi no Oto Dattanda
fanart by

1 2

GWは久々東京でSavage states&MC NMDBす🗼前売予約も開始‼️

▼5/8(土) @ 渋谷CYCLONE
w/TORIENA,XYLÖZ,Falling Asleep,itsuki nakanishi他


11 17

銀座で他に回ったのは、Artglorieuxで宮村 弦「BRAILLE CODE -点字墨景-」、銀座蔦屋書店で、Rei Nakanishi 個展「yinyang」、ギャラリーアートもりもとで、寒河江智果展「ビタミン」。

0 2


"LiFE iS SAMPLiNG" at Shibuya Cyclone

Savage States feat. Numb'n'dub
itsuki nakanishi(DJ)
and more…


16 33

not mcyt so this gon flop but some preddy cool danganronpa oc art fo today :] miss asuka nakanishi my beloved!!! if ur interested u can ask me about her in da replies id be happy to ramble...

24 143

✨ a p r i l co m i s s i o n o p e n✨

For commissioning please fill the form ( I attached the form under this post ) and send it to my DM/Email along with the references attached!!

📩 canrakanisya00.com
🌸 https://t.co/WWY8C0lwpY

70 111

Added to En el on Spotify: "All Hail Britannia!!!" by Hiroki Shimizu, Tomohiro Tani, Katsuyuki Nakanishi https://t.co/1TAUjI0aPp

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