Bastion tem como Covenant os Kyrian.

Ordenados e com propósito, tem um objetivo.
Um exemplo: Uther

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New party, new baby, new heart attacks

Poor Kyrians excited in this new world for a week and hes already been knocked down 5 times
I guess thats what to expect when your the weakest of a all caster party

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パラ銀29、サークルGloBeAeにて、ヒルダ受けアンソロ(R15)「valkyrian Maiden」(ワルキュリアンメイデン)を頒布します。なんと100ページを超える分厚いアンソロです!表紙絵は牡丹さん、裏表紙絵はたてばなさんの担当です。RT等でお知らせにご協力いただけたら嬉しいです!

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Finished a commission for of his character, Kyriann!

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Presenting the latest offering in our Reflective series!!!

Welcoming the likes of Hailo, , , , , Sunru, Kyrian, + the UK’s own RD ❤️️

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Valkyrian Style (4* CE)

Gain 3% NP charge each turn
Increase NP power by 15%
Visionary’s Ink drop +1 [Event only]

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painting + animation for Valkyrian @ FA
such a gorgeous character *O *

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A few expressions from a big set for a VN portrait style commission for Nykyrian Myrkur. \o/

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Here is a drawing of Valkyrian as a baby.

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