i finally have time to draw that one lxc with veil tweet aaksjjwkwk

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🎵I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night. And now I see daylight, I only see daylight~🎵

Daylight is my favorite lover album song☀️If you notice that my 99% of my fanart is JC looking unfairly pretty and LXC looking smitten, that’s because... yes☺️😌

110 379

Retired swimmer LXC rescues mer-yao… cue a fishy romcom with just a sprinkle of angst.

Link below ⬇️🐠🐟🐠
(Ch. 1/5, 6696 words of 30k)

81 179

Shijie had a package sent to JC's address to receive while she and her husband's away on a trip.

Unfortunately (?), a wild (drunk) LXC gets to it first.

Now, question. Do y'all think he'll be able to get it to Shijie??? Or will he have to get... a replacement?🤭

4 28

LXC: I’m like your hips, Wanyin 😊
JC: What.
LXC: We do not lie 🥰
JC: !!!!

88 391

Sunshot Campaign Recruitment Runs🏃🏃☀️🏹

LXC: *overwhelming concern and gege instincts going overdrive*🥺😰
JC: *grief, rage, and spite fueling his every step. Has shutdown because of PTSD flashbacks. Heartbreakingly talks and cries in his sleep.*😡😤


215 764

lxc: hide him?
lwj: but he is not willing.

oh no hanguang-jun 😭😭😭😭😭😭

138 605

I love how in poster, if one had never watched mdzs, they would think the obvious pairings (based on their poses) are JYL/JZX and LXC/JWY.

🤭 🤭 🤭

Guys, is flirty, happy and most importantly, they're canon. 💜💙

73 387

I've been working on this for longer than I care to admit, and I just want to upload something so here's some 3zun feel but mostly LXC angst with a dash of xiyao because I love to suffer (backgrounds? dont know her)

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lxc and jc bringing their sexy baccs

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551 2061

someone on discord suggested a great dress for LXC and I couldn't sleep until I slapped down this rough sketch of LXC looking glam (and NMJ and JGY admiring the view)

28 122

LXC: nunca creí llegar tan lejos, después de probar los labios de a–Cheng ya puedo morir. Ah*
JC: ¡¡¡Huan–Ge!!!

138 459


82 499

would lxc & nmj they recognise their little brothers in this form? 🙊✨

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This paired up with the xicheng hc:
Whipped LXC watching JC play: I'm going to marry that man

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LXC, I'll be waiting by the lattice window.💜💜💜

153 795

I made it
so cute.
I tried okay. I tried to make WYB to LXC as much as I can ToT.
Redrawing again. Haha hhahaha I don't have a life.

1 15

JC: Mother! The pretty boy kissed me! I'm damaged goods now! 😭😭
LXC: Uncle I kissed the pretty purple boy, I will take responsibility. 😊

Madam Yu and LQR laughed at each other because they witnessed the kiss and it was just LXC's lips on JC's palm.

106 392