A skill used to advance and slash three times in a row and gradually increase physical damage by 25% that deals 40% additional damage to enemies. 


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A skill that charges forward, gaining 1 layer of indomitable effect when the ability hits, causing damage to enemies along the way.


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A skill used to load the boat in seconds, the speed gradually increases and the body is mastered during the period.


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Le est le petit logo à côté du nom de site internet dans l'onglet de votre navigateur internet. C'est une version carré et simplifié du logo de l'entreprise. .

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Hey I Am a graphic designer I will provide good and attractive design..
💥Where are you guys? My work is waiting for your attention💥

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A skill used to charge in the specified direction. If he encounters an enemy, it will jump into the air with his strength.


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The user jumps forward in the air, then lowers his sword towards the enemy inflicting damage equal to 1% of the target's maximum health.


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A skill used to enter the spirit form for several seconds, during which it will leave its body in place and gain 10% of movement speed.


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A skill that is used to hit all enemies on a path, inflicting physical damage; it hits them all with a single blow in the air towards oneself.


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