Strange but true facts: With Matori’s upcoming appearance, she’ll now have been around longer (from first to last appearance) than Yamato and Kosanji.

Yamato & Kosanji: 9 years and 5 months

Matori: 9 years and 8 months

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Dadas las circunstancias y la cantidad INSANA de ATAQUES y COMENTARIOS DIFAMATORIOS (falsos) por parte de hacia mi persona, me veo en la obligación de contaros una de las mejores películas, digna de premio Razzie 2020.
Id a por unas buenas palomitas 👌🏻✨

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Aoyama Itsuki
CV: Sugita Tomokazu
“Even if whatever happens, I will protect you.”

The leader of Matori! He’s an ore-sama type who cares deeply for the protagonist. Strong leader. Big sexy. His only weakness is his less usage of kanji characters. Secretly loves to cook.

1 12

Costumi per i rematori di peote di Andrea Urbani. Fra le cerimonie più spettacolari di Venezia vi sono di certo le regate. Per l'occasione gli artisti oltre a realizzare fantasiose imbarcazioni disegnavano anche gli abiti dei rematori

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Atualizando as leituras.
Os Vingadores 10 da
Incredible Hulk:The Last Call
Vingadores continua o arco dos Vampiros, que agora mostra o Motoqueiro (vulgo "matorista") Fantasma sendo libertado após ser dominado pela equipe do Coronel das Sombras...(01)

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very quick doodle of my precious daughter chika amatori before bed

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>とり先生の周防桃子が見てみたいです ありがとうございます うぅ…

15 28

>久川家の凪さんをお願いします… ありがとうございました

10 27

It's happening! Our dub is on !! If you didn't already know, I provide the voice of Chika Amatori in the English Dub of World Trigger!
Check out our amazing Ocean Dub, streaming now:

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“Awwooo!” Exercise 5: Head Turn with Anticipation.
Here’s a continuation of AnimatorIsland’s 51 Great Exercises to Master. ☺️
. . .

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Book cover illustration by - “Gli Informatori” by Juan Gabriel Vasquez for tore. The Informers is a fascinating novel of callous betrayal, complicit secrecy and the long quest for redemption in a secular, cynical world

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‘Tigger In Graveyard’ … ‘for fuck’s sake, Tigger, stop smiling around death!’

Soundtrack: ‘Lions And Tigers’ by Sleater Kinney …

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Il Bazar di Mari: il miglior sito amatoriale dedicato a Manga ed Anime! Buon FEBBRAIO 2020!
Il banner del mese è stato realizzato da Nia-sama e dedicato a personaggi di “My roommate is a cat“!

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Viens no gada reformatoriem - . Reforma paredz, ka līdzšinējo 119 pašvaldību vietā paliks tikai 39 (5 republikas pilsētas un 34 novadi). Skeptiķi atzīmē, ka Latvijas novadu karte pēc Pūces reformas būšot aizdomīgi līdzīga 26 rajonu modelim, kas bija spēkā padomju laikā.

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The annual Service is due to take place on Saturday 7th December at 11am at Crematorium.

Hang your personal message on the Christmas Tree. The service will be led by Rev Harry Wood & carols sang by the Citadel Arts-sing out choir.

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Siempre esta ese meme de que tomarse de las manos es mas "lewd" que el acto consumatorio en si

Por eso para todos los amantes y fetichistas de las manos esta el manga "Te Asobi" que nos cuenta sobre una chica que se confiesa al chico que le gusta... pero solo por sus manos?

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