I be taking a break from drawings been very busy bcz of IRL stuff and work too.

Flores, Naizy and Stronzo got their VIP pass from Rogue/Grim.(i be real with you I don't know how it will sound like)

character belong:

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a Gif for StarBreakMusic for making a song for Rogue/Grim I be updating where song at right now it still wip. He just started yesterday second pic is the art cover.

VIP list character belong in Order:

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some of my friends on discord group are simping Grim female ver. -_-

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if I ever make vs Rogue/Grim mod (not gonna happen btw) the stage is a underground Black Hand hideout.

killer Mask

Bonus: Dj Rogue and Old Partner (Vs Flores)

unique mechanic: throwing combat axe and camo notes

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Alternative timeline. New blood Stronzo Agent

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Redesign Karu (Rogue/Grim BF) her body suppose to be like that. She half dead and half alive.

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redesign Fane
Date of birth:classified

Relationships:Rogue/Grim (Father) Karu (Mother) Nimue (Aunt) Flores Rufus (comrades)

Affiliations: Federation Ravens Group (FRG)

Rank: New Blood Agent (Recruit FRG)


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since you guys know who Grim is these are colors for now on you can still draw Rogue alt. color (yes alt. color).

Snekym use force to let out Rogue reveal his true colors and finally the origin color of Rogue.

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if you guy don't know this I'm a huge nerd of WW2 especially the German side. And I was thinking the German side are the Mercs and Allies are FRG.

The two pics. I was super lazy to finished

alternative parallel world timeline

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Karu always dream this scene if only Rogue was alive and see her daughter all grown up.

left: Rogue
top mid.: Nimue
mid.: Fane
Right: Karu

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I was keeping secret for this character for so long and draw her a lot. I present to you new OC daughter of Karu and Rogue.

Name Fane chose by her mother name.

present day: when her father die she trying to find information from any Mercs or Hunters 1/2

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my genderben in demon version, (I was inspired by an image of sarvente) ;)

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FRG hackers success hack Grim profile

he was tortured by Snekym break his mind and use pain drugs. like how Snekym was tortured when he was a prisoner of FRG later he finally turn enemy for the FRG

his hobby is he like music

Nimue: music ? remind of Rogue

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since Rogue die didside to do a new guy.All his profiles and bio are Redacted

He goes by Grim former FRG also knows as GrimReaper he feel betrayed, hatred, left behind and depression.

Q. is grim working with someone ?
A. yes Snekym. he got contract by him

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this is just a concept art now I missing Karu but if I want to do her it still classified.

man I wish I can mod stuff 😶

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