I have three Tieflings, not all developed lol.

Josephine, NPC in my campaign, inn cook in a touristy beach town. Retired Cleric of Bahamut.

Courtesy, Hexblade I haven't played yet, just a NASTY gremlin

Andromeda, unplayed Stars Druid, flavored as a "hedge wizard"

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Uncanny X-Men back when Wolverine would drink, smoke, and "read" Penthouse and probably other smut.

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Girlfriend's asleep, time to draw smut.
Oka can't help but to pay Tohaak a late night visit.

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Hulk meme with the Proto Bahamut. I cant get any other raid to drop the orbs I need, but Proto dragon gives me them. To weak to summon the raid myself. So I am pigging back off of stronger players.

0 2

I demand smut. /SHOVES OH SEES alsoworkonJezieyes giving babs you haven't draw'd yet. /hinthint 👌✨

0 2

I started drawing in 2010 and only drew my superhero OCs. Fast forward 10 years later, and now I draw all kinds of stuff, including NSFW smut. Your art journey will take you to any variety of places. Just gotta roll with it, and do whatever makes you happy 😁

3 14

What a Night to be Cursed - 13 (slides 61 - 64)
My newest experiment in comic/storytelling, which is also smut.
A new update every Friday; but you can also check several pages ahead by supporting me on Patreon! https://t.co/Qb3ftaTrVM

44 175

Ernesto García "The Chango" Cabral va ser un dibuixant i pintor mexicà, famós per les seves caricatures. La seva obra suma gairebé 25 000 peces. García Cabral va ser també un expert ballarí de tango, lluitador grecoromà i pioner del cinema mut.

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My good son, Nabal Windspawn, kobold paladin of Bahamut. He was orphaned as an egg and raised by dragonborn, and grew up thinking he was dragonborn himself. An encounter with kobold thieves, however, threw his identity into disarray, so he left home to find a sense of self.

0 2

Thanks so much for the artshare.

Currently working to release another 10 pages to my scifi graphic novel, "The Anaether," by the end of the month. 18+ only.


You can also check out my gallery for some queer smut.


0 3

First time doing , heya.
I draw the smut.

1 5

What a Night to be Cursed - 12 (slides 56 - 59)
My newest experiment in comic/storytelling, which is also smut.
A new update every Friday; but you can also check several pages ahead by supporting me on Patreon! https://t.co/Qb3ftbb2Nk

12 60

Thank you for the thread.

I'm Lizbeth and I'm currently working on a scifi graphic novel, "The Anaether." 18+ in comic/illustrations for violence, language and hard (queer) smut.


3 46

Thank you for the artshare.

I'm Lizbeth and I'm working on an adult scifi graphic novel, "The Anaether."


My content features some queer smut. It looks like BL but it's queer. 18+ only.


1 5


yo my name is Yucki, I draw smut. Furry smut, of all sorts of subjects, kinks, genders, and combinations.

I take requests and encourage you to look through my portfolio! I'm pretty active x3

Thanks for checkin me out!

13 30

What a Night to be Cursed - 11 (slide 55)
My newest experiment in comic/storytelling, which is also smut.
A new update every Friday; but you can also check several pages ahead by supporting me on Patreon! https://t.co/Qb3ftaTrVM

6 50

What a Night to be Cursed - 11 (slides 51 - 54)
My newest experiment in comic/storytelling, which is also smut.
A new update every Friday; but you can also check several pages ahead by supporting me on Patreon! https://t.co/Qb3ftaTrVM

15 81

merah2 di pipi chibi itu bs on off. krn chibi semata2 ada untuk menghibur manusia, maka mrk bs mengaktifkan merah2 di pipi biar lbh imut. tp itu opsional sih. kadang ada chibi yg ga mau terlihat imut/biasa aja.

tp ttp pipi chibi akan memerah klo merasa malu. itu reaksi normal https://t.co/Kyob3vM9p8

0 32

-= Byleth =-

I'm finally following my true calling: smut.

• Serious/Semi Serious FERP/MVRP+OCs
• Literate Only When Horny
• No Interest In Shipping
• 18+ ONLY, NSFW TL and DMs, Minors Go Home It's Past Your Bedtime
• More Info Below!

• RT to support my poor life choices

12 20

Spent way too long on this lol! This is a reference sheet for my d&d character Sloane. She's a cleric of Bahamut. 🐲

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