3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095 5058223172535940812848111!!!

It's his favorite day

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Happy pi day! She is looking forward to some sweets, hehe [10/100]

2 25

Happy Celebrate with this Gumroad exclusive—one mathematically-pumped kitty. Get your Leo Cantus on now or risk being TOO ZETTA SLOW.


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A pie for a cutie pie d;

34 215

Just realized it was Pi Day, so I thought I'd share this old comic. Happy Pie Day!

2 9

🥧Happy from , myself, and Llama!🥧

Hoping you find something extra delicious today dat makes you smile!

6 18

Happy trainers! Here's an adorable Appletuπ ready to share its dessert! (Courtesy of staff artist NyxNebby - https://t.co/5ZNUKAJI9E)

Trivia: there are 13 Pokémon in the English Pokédex that begin with "Pi-", can you name them all?

94 257

Happy 🤓🧮 Whether you choose to celebrate with mental math or pie (or both!) we hope your Pi Day is a treat 🥧😋 Chango isn't a big fan of crust, so he's having herring instead 😂🐟

16 70

Today is Pi Day and Albert Einstein’s Birthday! Or as I like to call it Pibert Day!

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An elementary application 🥧! Happy (3.14) to all fans around our spherical world! 🌎

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OM NOM NOM 🥧🍎 Happy Pi Day Beauties! A lovely little piece from none other than ❤️💛❤️

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It's Pi Day!

We're really hungry...

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Happy , everyone! 🥧

Except for this guy...

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