Bribing the Keeper of the Tower to send you your first choice of apprentice: 10k souls

Paying for her relocation to Sigil: 5k or so jink

The look on her face when she realizes you're only going to use her for menial, demeaning labor? Priceless! *cackle*

3 19

Last few hours to get Primordia for $1.99 (80% off!) on :

Explore a world that humans have left behind in a point-and-click adventure game inspired by the classics of the 1990s, Fallout, and Planescape: Torment.

19 49

This months free patreon encounter is inspired by planescape and magicka. The players face off against unpredictable spellcasters with a questionable hold on their powers. Mayhem ensues!

0 4

Commission, Fall-From-Grace from this awesome game that is Planescape : Torment !

38 229

Normally this is when some women in my situation would remove their heels & earrings, and commit hideous public violence in response to that question. I'm not those women, so I'll sit and disdainfully stare while my tieflings handle the violence. *preen*

1 2

We've all known a drow matriarch full of herself. Culturally if she isn't, she doesn't survive her rivals' predation. But claiming that retrievers are drow constructs, rather than tanar'ri creations modeled after bebeliths? Oh please. *sneer*

1 18

So my first Paizo Blog entry is officially up, detailing my top 5 list of things that I had the most fun with while writing the 'Planar Adventures' hardcover due out this month!

Galisemni finally gets details!

4 12

Started Planescape Torment, it's pretty good so far.

0 3

The Oinoloth? Oh yeah, there's lots of them, they're only CR12. And tieflings are only devil-blooded. And yugoloths were totally created by uh... night hags, and uh... Asmodeus! Yeah that's the ticket! Retcons? What are those? I'm not drunk, you're drunk!

3 14

I refuse to admit or deny that I sold Mordenkainen a bunch of tripe which the bald mortal berk took for absolute truth and published as such. Oinoloths as CR12 generic yugoloths? Maruts teleporting people -into- Sigil from outside of it as well? LOL

0 5

What are the top 3 most wishlisted games on GOG? will shock you!

🥇The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt & Expansions
🥈Planescape: Torment
🥉Baldur's Gate II

All those, and more, most wishlisted games are on sale right now – but not for much longer:

33 146

Four influential video games that helped define me.

1. The Secret of Monkey Island
2. Planescape: Torment
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
4. Persona 5

0 2

1. Planescape: Torment
2. Heroes of Might and Magic 3
3. Divinity: Original Sin 2
4. Mortal Kombat

I tag:

0 15

Some people are celebrating today with religious ceremonies, a day of relaxation, or time spent with friends and family. *eyeroll*

I just want you all to suffer. That's as much affection as you'll get from me you mortal snots. Happy Easter. *blows a kiss*

1 14

Lets just say that me, large amounts of alcohol, and inexplicably being present in a land of technicolor friendship ponies who'd out-saccharine equinals any day is just a bad combination. Purple haired bitch had it coming to her though...

0 6

Things found as curiosities in my private chambers:

Rembrandt's 'The Storm of the Sea of Galilee' stolen from the Gardner on my direction. I hang it backwards. One of the figures I swear keeps staring at me disapprovingly...

1 4

Mortals tend to have photographs that seemed flattering at the time that they regret later. This clearly is to me as a yugoloth as glamour shots are to GenX mortals.

Trust me. I'm EVIL. I am NOT cute. *sneer*

(Artwork by Teileaf & PebblesRaven)

5 9

Sketchbook Saturday: a few fantasy favorites that were collected in 2016's "Album per Schizzi" (aka "Book of Sketches"). still has a few signed copies:

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