Have you minted your SR BOARD yet??

I'm giving away 2x 500 $stars to 2 lucky Riders!

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TwitterPicker, 48h, GL!

152 191

Celestial board minted!

Now, my Celestials are fighting over who should get to ride it…

Only one way to settle this >
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

4 9

GM 🏄🏻‍♂️

Got my board and I’m ready to ride 🙌

13 63

Stainless Steve flexin' his new SRX board 😎🔥
Ready to ride!

26 86

Ready to ride with my new board!

21 54

Damn it feels good to be a rider.

10 54

Just got my Celestial board from the Galactic Forge. Excited to see what I can do with it. S/O to Zubic and the whole

for a smooth mint. we go BRRRRRRR 🚀🏄💪

9 39

Minted this NARELY board with 💫 🤙🏽 🥷🏼 Enjoy the Ride LFG 🗣️ fking LEGENDS 🐐 🐐 💯

15 50

WOW: Today was a very good day...I got to mint my Board!!!

4 12

Minted Celestial Board Excited for the future of Boards can be bought on secondary. Riders on sale!!!!!

12 49

Just snagged my board and lucked out with number 333👀👀 I think it’s about time you

20 83

Bought anothe last week and don't remember posting about it, so here it is! 😆

Never, ever fadding and


27 91

Brrrrrrr…just minted board in the Galactic Forge

20 79

I just minted Space Riders Board 259 in the Galactic Forge. Check out it here https://t.co/ekUip76mW8

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