Liv with a Deep voice as S-Class
Since I don't find any Official art of Liv S, I took a fanart for the edit video

Awesome art by
"Mugen no Hana" by Kayano Ai

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Empress-class Imperial quadrupeds advance while some dumb cat gives them firing coordinates (circa 20XX)

Practicing something beyond isolated portraits/bust-ups. Y'know, she designed those things...

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Arquitens-class light cruiser 2020 remake.

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「... Are you looking for something ? 」

And so Haruka found the key to Tokiya's heart 🔐
(UtaPri Repeat - S-class prologue)

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can mindlessly doodle some s-class ladies. as a treat

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I only just now noticed that the Paris-Class has these round structures behind its guns. Looks like missile silo doors, is this where its heavier armaments are launched from?

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“To survive in this world... all you can do is get stronger.”

Tornado of Terror (戦慄のタツマキ, Senritsu no Tatsumaki)

Race: Human (Esper)

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Status: Alive

Abilities: Psychokinesis

Occupation: Hero

Rank: S-Class: Rank 2

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Tatsumaki also known by her hero alias Tornado of Terror  Viz: Terrible Tornado), is the S-Class Rank 2 professional hero of the Hero Association. She is recognized as one of the Hero Association's most powerful heroes

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Amazing korean novel for action-fantasy lovers. No romance. But amazingly it's not stopping people for shipping main characters *uhuk bromance* 😂😂😂
1. Trash of The Count's Family
2. Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
3. The S-classes That I Raised
4. How to Live as the Enemy Prince

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gave one S-Class Hero their own style Super Saiyan form:

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S-Class uwu
They didn't have orange so had to make do with light brown for Ren

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Revenge of the Sith (2005): Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, from concept to screen.

Art by Ryan Church.

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Basically the teens are part of S-class students and the headmaster (being a lazy one) usually send them out to fetch some haunted art pieces or something.

3 of the four students don't even have an ounce of artistic soul. One of them is a multitalented picasso. Guess which one.

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「こちらN-PH2、ホモ・サピエンスが牛耳る惑星を射程距離内に捉えました」 「Paris-Class Frigate UNSC Savannah, on deployment above Planet Reach.」

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Metal Bat and Child Emperor have a bond for being the baddest young mf’s in school and in S-class.

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Mini Victorious~
WiP for mini illustrious-class

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Two Gorgeous Illustrious-class Girls (Illustrious, Formidable)

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141- S-class Wizard Promotion Trial

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