
1 22

WIP Vampirella outfit i whipped up quickly while taking a break from other projects.

im addicted to making things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4 47

so have been enjoying working on the Lady Death outfit alot, learned some new techniques while working on it too. here is a 4k image update on the model so far. colored to show idea but not final textures.

7 51

Lady Death WIP outfit. something i whipped up in a few hours, still far from being done but have been wanting to make this for a while! <3

1 43


3 23

[SkyrimSE MOD] Peryitoon Ver1.1

ペライトシューターに今話題のマゼンダカラーを追加。こちらはコンソールコマンドでのみ入手できますので “ help peryiteshooter ” でIDを調べて手に入れてくださいませ。
Don't get cooked... Stay off the hook!

116 135

【SkyrimSE Creation Club】12月の新ラインナップ:マッドクラブは無料配布 https://t.co/xadC2SfDn4

14 18


24 36

That feeling when you craft your first set of Daedric armor.

0 0

trying to make more healthy gifs. currently: 5sec, 20fps (total 100 frames), 500px width and file size is 1.5Mb. I think not bad.

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