⋆「Matching Icon + Header- SouRin (Free)」⋆

➟Pixiv ID:45253705

Ejemplos de como quedan abajo
Examples of how they look on thread

1 9

Here are some charm designs I quickly drew up today. Will draw more in future.

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👏SOUSUKE👏DESERVES👏HIS👏HAPPY👏ENDING👏 So I drew it. Rio Olympic gold winning swimmers ❤️

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Treasures of the Sea SouRin 🌊🔥

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Klimt-inspired SouRin✨

46 89

this is a sourin comic i did 3 years ago after reading the high speed! translations and prior to sousuke's anime debut

30 41

Someone on Tumblr mentioned SouRin getting matching sakura earrings so I uh... this...

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SouRin cause you're worth it!! ❤

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seriously lol. the start of the descent into sousuke/sourin hell.

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SouRin be like:

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Our Skyline [FULL BOOK] | is now available to view! my first sourin zine since summer 2014!

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