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Sorry for not posting! I was at Katsucon in Washington DC this past weekend and managed to get COVID from it. 😷🤧Fun. 😭 so I’ve been back home in LA sick but I managed to draw something sorta related to the COVID blues haha. 💕🤒

25 144

been way too long since i drew some steddie smooches

125 844

Just another night in the burbs... or is it?

The Suburbs, personal paintings by our Senior Environment Artist Aleksey Pollack

5 21

Finally finished! My redraw of the hounds of love cd cover. I’m gonna print it and make a copy of my version. (Might try again with never for ever)

0 3

Hii !! Eddie & Chrissy x Scream and The Shining charms are now up on my etsy !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻

✨ Store link in thread below! ✨

36 111

Test to see how long you've been following me if you know all of my blorbos by now

Thry're in the "most hated character club"💀

21 184

my entry into 's dtiys because I love their art and the idea! <3

22 153

its zelda day that means i repost my zelda au

6 78

“I bet I’m at least one thing you expected.”
“What’s that?”
She crawled into Eddie’s lap, settling herself across his legs. “Easy.”
"I think that’s the last thing you are.”

eddie and stevie from 's series "wishbone" ♡

4 20

so ur telling me he fell in a lake and got covered in gross upside down goop and was just fine with it

34 347

welcome to family video! 📼✨


9 37


thanks for thinking my arts cool or whatever🫶

72 315

rockstar-esque eddie as per the request of

22 141