simps come get your Juice- (It's me, I'm an Essek Fan- listen he won me over in Episode 91 okay okay- also he's in a waistcoat purely for my own amusement-) oh and a low effort doodle cause I can-

9 29

This is a repost of some old art- but really one of my fave seenes from The M9

35 234

Eee ! Thank you!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 I honestly saw those statues and thought it for shadowgasts vibe immediately!

0 1

I was meaning to post this for valentines day but I kept getting distracted, so here <3

116 690

Caleb giving Essek a little cheek kiss. I love drawing them so much😍

This was my submission for gallery! Plz go check it out, a lot of amazing and talented artists drew for it as well!

8 51

It's been a long time since I've drawn the hot wizard bfs

215 1401

Still counts as Valentines day. Time to draw Shadowgast for the first time in months dsfghjklGHJKL

167 977

happy so happy to have been able to contribute to the gallery. here is a tribute to shadowgast nation because i am wretched and rotted for these wizards

129 504

"who let you have two submissions?" that's right bitches had to stay loyal to shadowgast too

38 120

Even if Essek can't be home for St valentine, it doesn't mean he forgets 💜🧡
I don't think I've ever used this much pink in a single painting. Check out the gallery!

267 1076

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! here's my piece for the gallery!!!💖💗💕💘💝💞

30 121

Here's my piece for the gallery
Just some dancing wizards who are SO💜 IN 🧡LOVE 💜🧡

35 106