ワンフェス2018冬 当日版権 SILENTHILL3よりアブストラクトダディです。

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Back in two minutes with I am a bit sick so sorry if I didn't come back to streaming sooner, but we are going to enjoy ourselves a bit tonight! Ready for the Hospital?

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The Double Head from has two different colored eyes. One is red with a visible pupil, one is a blueish gray, without a pupil.

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・メモリーオブアレッサ (SILENTHILL3)
・ コーカサスビートルアンデッド(仮面ライダー剣)

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Nurses from have an unused animation in which they hang down and swing from the ceiling.

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The skin of the Numb Body from resembles a violent child disease called "Harlequin-type ichthyosis".

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The sound of the Closer from is an digitally altered Rhinoceros sound effect.

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The Missionary from is said to actually have a noticeable face under the sack over its head.

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Mandarin from was considered underrated by designer Masahiro Ito, Closer in resembles it.

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