it'sma birthday

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Artist! Adkh yg maw ber-🌥️ sma sender?

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Tonight, around 7-8PM EST, it's time for our (probably) final stream of SMA2! Let's get all the dragon coins, 96 exits, and maybe play some Mario Bros and even SMA3!

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Hiva Aya Gathika
Bisa dipanggil iva/aya, seorang gadis SMA yang suka main biola menjadi clipper vtuber musik

Salam kenal semuanya^^
Traktir iva mie ayam yuk!

Thanks for amazing art!
w/Andi's doll
Fanart :

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And also my beloved chungui😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 bused kek berandalan sma aja nih bocah😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Akhirnya kelar juga dah ilustrasi-ilustrasi buat kisah Rain sma Flouna yg ngedate 😩

Jujurly, gue pengen nyubit pipi Flouna, tapi takut ketabok sama Rain 😩

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*jpf ada yang punya list mangaka yg ngegambar ilustrasi post creditnya diamond no ace gak??
Sender bru nyampe epsd 46 tpi penasaran bgt krna ngerasa familiar sma beberapa art stylenya 😭

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Good morning everyone!
With my PC back in the game, I'll continue my SMW: SMA2 stream today, around 7-8PM EST as usual! I urge to the gods of electricity that everything goes well with my PC from now on, because I can't afford losing more money with it!

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Hkfg-verse but what if they're Aryo (dibawah umur) and Iqbal (ada cinta di sma) ??

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En sma Ruen+ 'no name' yg baru aja beres desainnya tuh satu universe. Parallel word(?) dmn populasi hoomannya lebih sedikit dri mahluk fantasi dsna

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Duh telat banget ini mah sisaan kemaren yg tanggal 29 klo gak salah pokoknya yg alternate universe...
Nah ini ceritanya anak-anak ku jadi anak SMA wkwk

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Cewe yg ngomong sma kamu prenn bahasanya kasar banget wkwkwk, temen cowomu gak pintar menilai orang yg toxic dan ga...

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our mission: to raise funds and provide the SMA treatment for the survival of a 1 year old. is the father leading the cause joined by and

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Next SMA I'm thinking of updating these pages and picking up where I left off with it, my only worry is spending a lot of time making it highly detailed and even though there is a scene with overflowing tears, I hope its emotional enough to justify the time put in

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To have a break from all those JRPG's I've been playing, tomorrow, around 7-8PM EST, I'll be playing Super Mario Advance 2! It's the enhanced port of SMW for the GBA. Since I've played the first SMA in the last 2 years on stream, I'll stream it too!

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Coping mechanism ku dari jaman kelas 1 SMA , sifatnya mirip sama diriku di umur 16 - 17 an ig tp gamirip2 bgt karena aku bikin dia buat wakilin aku untuk jadi 'org yg aku mau'

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day 16 - louis

bucinannya aiden dari sma. tapi dodolnya dia ga peka banget, baru bener-bener sadar sama perasaannya aiden pas kuliah.
dia anaknya caring in public, clingy in private. sekarang louis lagi aktif banget jadi budak proker di fakultasnya~

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Ditempat berbeda mereka saling kontakan-Philip setelah selesai SMA kemudian dia kuliah di LN,Elise sekolah di sekolah fashion-mereka tidak sengaja bisa bertemu ditempat yang sama (belum dipikirin dimana 😂)- karena ngga mau Philip jauh lagi,jadi sering ngajak dia pergi bareng...

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