Need to say more?
Also taking a break from SMG4 fanart and do something different.

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FUCK IT, SONIC HAS A KANGAROO STEP SISTER NOW. Her name for now, is Springa.

In addition, here are a couple of old Nintendo character sketches. Lastly, a sketch of eating ramen I made on Wednesday, which was apparently her birthday.

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Turns out we have the same birthday (similar to the very least). Happy 3rd anniversary To the orange bean Meggy.


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Also, I heard it Birthday (since her first introduced in "What if Mario is in Splatoon, 3 years ago). So Happy birthday to this tomboy, former squid girl who transformed into Anime girl that been lewd among Rule34 and the crew of the Beanies.

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A another one of Fan art. Here Meggy wear a different shirt.

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Meggy in a yellow dress
Because I thought it would look cute

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Since there been some SMG4 beach theme lately, I decided to do one as well. There was some delay at making this but managed to finished with this.

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Made another This time it's girls on the beach. Feel free to participate if you want. Oh, and don't forget the tags.

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a very sad girl from that one smg4 clip and its low saturation equivalent

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Based on drawing.
I was having some trouble with pose and body parts and I am not that great with group drawing and such. But hey, what can you do?

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