Dumb bee man who melts at anything bee related

3 7

Finally got around to colour them. I‘m not very satisfied with the outcome, but oh well…it is what it is 😅

RED Spy belongs to (who gives my BLU Sniper a surprise dick grab in the second drawing, lol)

9 31

🌲Snips, went out for a walk, to breathe fresh air.🌳

3 54

He tries to act tough and have no emotions but he flusters easy- its hilarious-

Also teeth cuz im practicing how I draw his teeth- sharpy sharp!

9 34

I remade the Classic Man player model from scratch.

Tweaked boneweights, fixed up clipping issues, and added more convincing stuff (i.e. an actual neck rather than just a void with a hole in the geometry).

7 40

Sniper OC brainrot? Bee brainrot? Fun fact, its both.

1 15

TF2 loadout commission from a friend on instagram

5 17

Some time ago I‘ve reached over 1K followers here on twitter, which just…absolutely baffles my mind 😳

I‘m not very active here tbh, but I still appreciate it a lot! Thanks for your support 💖

11 41

The pissman himself but he got lost in Nevada

9 45