Happy Earth day!! Here's my piece I did for the Earth Love zine put together by: ! Check out all the hard work that went into the zine and all the artists and writers! It's a very pretty zine: https://t.co/ZKgYYO6zw2

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What is a truth your MC needs to embrace about themselves?

Trixie: That society’s hatred for her is not completely personal.

Amai: That she is not at fault.

Art of Umeko in her element by

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What is your MC’s astrological sign? Is it accurate to them?

In the Celtic zodiac (since the world she lives in is very much like the Celtic nations), Trixie is a Butterfly.

Amai is a Capricorn.

Art of Trixie by

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What is the first word in your MC’s first line of dialogue?

Trixie: I

Amai: *thinking* I’m...

Art of Amai by

(P.S. Just likes from me again today.)

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I can finally show off the animation I put together for

It's been an honour to work alongside so many talented artists and writers!

Preoders are open until May 15th! Don't miss your chance ✈️✈️

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What’s the furthest your MC has been away from home?

As of right now, the furthest Trixie has been away from her village is in the kingdom of Vontell, which is a half day from her home.

Art of Trixie by

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We all have them. Back burner projects. Tell me about yours.

Mine is a fantasy manga about Amalthea, Cinderella’s faerie godmother. It reveals her origin and shows the consequences of her magical intervention.

One character, two lives.

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|| Leave a Pic Below and Smith will let you know how far she’ll let you go with her~

Responses will be from Smith’s point of view, not the writers!

Anyone with a 4-6 can DM me!

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What’s a controversial decision your MC had to make?

Trixie made the controversial decision to run away from her village and join the Order of Evanna.

Art of Trixie and Cobbler by

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How many hours on average does your MC sleep?

Trixie: Depends entirely on the needs of her livestock and or how long a fight goes.

Amai: Her sleep schedule was all over the place as a singer. Now that she’s a civilian again, she usually gets 9 hours on a good night.

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Writers! Who needs a proofreader? The answer is, every writer, and here's why. There's a lot more information in these FAQs:

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When it comes to making big decisions, how does your MC decide what to do?

Trixie thinks about her family and how they will be affected.

Amai considers her own mind and what she needs. Depending on who’s involved, she may consider another person’s needs too.

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Alrightie, you see the art meme! Artists! Writers! Pick out your biggest comic influences and post their covers!

Mine were really hard to choose so I picked recent influences, as all of these works had me (or still have me) feasting every update. https://t.co/4h4SXvWeTB

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~ In another time, another universe, things just... synchronize ~

It's finally here! I contributed two pieces to this zine, along with a bunch of incredible artists and writers! Here are some closeups/previews! Thank you for inviting me to participate! 💖


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Who is the character in your that often gets underestimated?

Aurel’s small stature and childlike demeanor often make people miss the fact he is actually scarily intelligent. He is also quite capable in combat.

Adorable art of Aurel by

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What is your MC’s favorite meal?

Trixie: She likes all kinds of meat, except for lamb and veal.

Amai: Anything her mom makes.

Art of Trixie by

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Replace one word in the title of your with “banana”. What is your new title?

Fantasy: Paladin of Banana

Romance: Silent Banana

Art of Trixie and Colm by

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Where does your MC wish they were right now?

Both Trixie and Amai wish they were home right now, for differing reasons. Trixie because of a rough go with High Queen Isolde, Amai because she doesn’t like hospitals.

Art of Trixie by

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My fanfic commissions aren't open, but there are other writers currently taking them! So....

FANFIC WRITERS!! If your commissions are open, drop info the comments~ Hoping to help spread the word.

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Your MC is feeling down. Who do they call to cheer them up?

Trixie: Colm.

Amai: Umeko. At which point, Umeko would either talk with Amai in her room or take her somewhere fun.

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