8. “kick iii”, by arca

personally, the best from the kick series, and actually from her whole discography. so restless and claustrophobic with its distortion and noise that, instead of making one uncomfortable, pushes them to the destructive and euphoric world it has created.

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Shoutout to when I got my massive arca orbs pondered

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"Good evening!... I think, many of you didn't expect to see me here."

384 2949

Passo mal com a beleza da estética dos álbuns Kick da Arca. Horas vendo cada detalhe incrível.

0 1

— Я спас твою работу! Ее бы уничтожили! Все, что я сделал, я сделал ради тебя и остальных! Хекстек привнес прогресс в...
— Мне плевать! — Джейс опасно навис над Виктором, — Ты украл мою жизнь. У меня ничего не осталось. Я изгой, лишенный имени, дома и репутации.

67 739

Scene of Jayce and Vi's first meeting

русский в рп

22 317

If you're still accepting entries then I may as well submit my arca

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KIcKVErSe – KICK ii; KicK iii; kick iiii (Artwork by me for the new project by )

New universe of Arca, symbolizing all its essence and its corner of creation where only she is the owner and has the command. – Symbols inspired by Lady Gaga's 'Chromatica' era.

142 756

KicK iii fanart bc i I absolutely 🫀 the cover art for the KicK albums

28 229

Arca supremacy

26 142

i've wanted to include lidelle's brand of demihuman in the arca lore somehow... just near the village that would become primp
here's a potential character from there

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この本を読んでみてください: "#俺がはじめてだと言ってくれ(4) (arca comics)"(#空垣れいだ 著)https://t.co/A9k3z4wzN2 今回は過去話だったか‼️でも大事よね。そして先生めっちゃクズ男やん。あーまた次の更新待つの辛い早く読みたい😭

1 3

【11/25から順次配信予定🍂arca comics vol.36予告⑨】相方は彼氏!これが令和のネオ夫婦漫才や!!超絶イケメン変人ボケ×お笑いこじらせ関西弁ツッコミ、抱腹絶倒のガチ夫婦(夫夫)漫才への道!!!🎙️鯨田ヒロト「メルヘンチック・バズーカ」1話(https://t.co/eOkXSEp4Zu)以上、まもなく配信開始📩

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【11/25から順次配信予定🍂arca comics vol.36予告⑤】この子供は、俺が守ってやらなきゃ――孤独で病んだ大人×孤独で聡明な高校生の、危険すぎる共依存、その先に待つ真実の愛の情景とは🎹涼子「トロイメライ」4話(https://t.co/bjtgKgpYJQ

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【11/25から順次配信予定🍂arca comics vol.36予告④】大沼彰人20歳、未だ童貞に在学中である――生真面目でネガティブな童貞×流されやすいコミュ強、大学生同士の惑い乱れる恋の道程🎶佐藤千鳥「惑乱の道程」4話(https://t.co/UVDdWb8f2e

2 5

【11/25から順次配信予定🍂arca comics vol.36予告③】彗星衝突による人類滅亡まであと1年。滅びゆく世界で、幼なじみ達は最初で最後の恋をする☄️沼ちよ子「終わりにはじめる恋のはなし」5話[完結](https://t.co/vnkg9a9f1W

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