Monday morning cowboy.
Different again. Sketching with limited tools. Another fun experiment.

17 166

I was trying to keep this one under an hour( I failed.. it took me an hour and ten minutes, mainly because I was noodling there at the end). I was just trying to do a quick one to let out some energy. That’s all

27 255

They’re back!!
No matter how old I am, each time I see fireflies it makes my heart beat faster, just like when I was a kid . I always think that feeling is gone forever and boom, it comes out of nowhere again and again. Kind of cool.

75 360

The big chill.
..And I just keep on going going going with experimentations!

47 294

Trying something different (again)

117 708

Just a minute... Just taking a minute to stop thinking.... So much stuff going on everywhere right now.... blahhhhh... I need to STOP thinking for a minute. Does that ever happen to you?

95 490

Cause I’m Happy!

The Happy song is playing on the radio.. kind of makes me want to move and groove..and draw fishes and Hawaii

58 334

Farmers market.
I was trying something here but I’m not sure I succeeded.. oh well.. it was a fun one to do.

57 362

The run.
Another Saturday morning raw sketch..clearing my head from the week!

40 310

The purple ride
Trying something different( again) here.. not sure if it works.. I kind of broke all my rules here ( well.. a lot of them anyways)..

57 371