finally did my profile up for Halloween again! here's the new banner this month - a Mayqueen Nyan Nyan Mayushii!

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Some pretend to be the moonlight some themselves are moon.

- Ayushi Goswami

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Tutturu~! Mayushii won the spot on my new banner! it's kind of a callback to my first header, which was a picture of her Nendo!

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gel-i-fied bananas and Mayushi 05

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c89 Okayushop新刊叢雲改二本、各書店様にて予約開始してます。宜しくです(*^_^*)リンク先にサンプルあります虎 メロン

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c89 Okayushop新刊叢雲改二本 メロンブックスにて予約はじまってたようですよろしくお願いします(*^_^*) 本文サンプルあります

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A draft of Miyoshi Karin! Remind me of Dynasty Warriors...

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Fu Inubozaki from Yuki Yuna is a Hero. Sketched in MediBang Paint

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When fam say they don't ship Ayushiki

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