Alcune pubblicità sono capaci di lasciare il segno e restare davvero impresse nella mente delle persone. Ecco alcune campagne pubblicitarie che vi lasceranno a bocca aperta!

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This is Ceranda. She's a special girl to me, started out as a RO Rogue, ported to D&D 3E WAY back in the day, ended up having her chara fleshed out as an RP'd darigan Xweetok on Neopets, extracted as a squirrel, and now ported back into D&D 5E.

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st2 TwoPhace [Double Dealer]
st1 rainbow [Black & White]
st1 fragment of tears [dilacerant]
st1 A-chasing-Y [Madness]

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Cuattro angioloni co le tromme in bocca
se metteranno uno pe cantone
a ssonà: poi co ttanto de voscione
cominceranno a ddì: fora a chi ttocca
Giuseppe G. Belli "Er giorno der Giudizzio"

🎨Luca Signorelli "Giudizio Universale" part.

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Hello! My name is Jorge Santiago Jr., I draw and write/draw and other comics! I'm also looking to pick up some new projects!

My email is and my website is:

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Ceran from Cenote, art by

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The people have spoken! So get ready for tricerAnkey!

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First pic of the new year!
Featuring Rime and Locerane <3

Nice to see these two hunks enjoying their new years celebrations hehehe

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Giovan Battista Crespi detto il Cerano, 23 dicembre 1573 – 23 ottobre 1632

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Happy everyone. If you're dressing up I hope you get lots of candy. If you're looking for some to read. Here's some of my favs

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HMM lemme see... How bout my little rogue, Guy? Or if the hair's too much... Ceranda works!

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An oil of ‘A nude woman bathing her feet’ by Margaret Morris (1891-1980). Morris was one of Britain's most renowned dancers of the C20th. She pioneered her own system of movement notation, based in part on Isadora Duncan's work.

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se bien me acuerdo tambien me gusta la Lovely ballerina de la pelicula XD
pero no me acuerdo si hiceran cualquer tipo de doll sobre esos trayes 🤔

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Day 4 of is and Ceranda likes casual, and because I'm a bit behind I also did Day 5, I... prolly coulda done better, but WHATEVS, she preferrs something that'll give her movement flexibility!

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