Piece for the Space Mission
500 years from now we discover what seems to be an ancient race, lifeless and but a shadow of what they might have been ages ago. Only their giant crumbling bodies seem to be left of what might have been a civilisation.

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Overthrow of the Old Order - - Prometheus the titan steals fire from the Gods and gives it to mankind - sparking them into civilisation, technology and creativity (gets punished by being tied to a rock getting pecked at by an eagle). Art by Jan Cossiers (1630s)

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What if Earth was destroyed and you, an astronaut, are set to revisit the ruins of a former Soviet civilisation? lets you time-travel between past and present to solve clever platform-puzzles in an impressive world. A great short adventure on future Earth! 👨🏽‍🚀🚀🌎

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L’Amérique latine, ses paysages grandioses, ses militaires d’opérette, ses civilisations anciennes, cadre de trois albums d’Hergé : on en parle aujourd’hui avec dans le 13e volet des


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[Dr Stone]

Un jour, une lumière brillante apparaît subitement dans le ciel pétrifiant l'humanité entière. Des millénaires plus tard, Taiju et Senku se retrouvent dans un monde où le genre humain a disparu de la terre, ils décident de récréer la civilisation à partir de zéro !

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Après la chute de Vercingétorix, les romains construisent routes et villes dans l’hexagone. C'est l'épanouissement de la civilisation gallo-romaine.

Alix Senator constate ces nombreux changements dans ce 10e album (V. Mangin et T. Démarez) en librairie
👉 https://t.co/SuU4RPlPdK

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La Nubie est considérée depuis comme l'une des plus anciennes civilisation de l'histoire africaine. Elle a servi de base narrative au developpement de mouvements créatifs tel que , qui prône la promotion d'un imaginaire créatif afrotypé.

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It matters not how many soldiers the realms of human, Dwarf, Elf and all their other allies can muster. My armies of the Dead, Goblin folk and Orc kin have them outnumbered. With a click of my fingers I could reign down upon my foes, a final and chilling end to their civilisation

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Up to 6 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy according to bayesian statistics, but only 36 Civilisations...


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En cette 3 titres à ne pas manquer :
- Ma vie dans les bois : quotidien d’un auteur quittant toute civilisation
- Les pommes miracles AKATA : pour une culture sans pesticides
- Nausicaä : la nature exprime sa souffrance

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“Some things in the depths should never be uncovered.
How long have they been down there, down in the dark, down in the cold, down in the ruins of a civilisation that was old when the world was new...?
What do they think of? What do they dream?”

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The Far Right forced Kollwitz to resign her professorship & she started on her Death Cycle including The Call of Death (self-portrait), Young Girl in the Lap of Death & Death Seizing a Woman (1934). It’s hard not to see these as symbolic of the collapse of German civilisation

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‘And on the bay the moonlight lay’ Read by an extraterrestrial doctor out to save civilisation Jodie Whittaker Artwork by Cuban artist Enrique Martinez Celaya who’s mysterious narrative eludes interpretation https://t.co/jwcU0SYprg

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Last 2 wks to enjoy virtual exhibition - Abject Manifest, at the .
The 11 photographs oscillate between abstraction & symbolism, & from everyday absurdities to grand narratives of civilisation & collapse.


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Monster Monday, a hippocampus. For if you've ever wanted a sea horse. They're not the strongest, but they may help flesh out and underwater civilisation.

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Fin de la session Étrusques, j’espère que cela vous a plu et surtout a suscité votre curiosité envers une civilisation étonnante qui a encore beaucoup à nous montrer.

Il existe une quantité de livres érudits sur le sujet et les grands musées regorgent d’œuvres étrusques 🌿

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Our first episode explores the charm and surprising success of goldfinches and is now live on Spotify! Plus: the women who founded the RSPB (), how to choose a bird book or field guide, and the ancient Mayan civilisation's favourite bird https://t.co/ZUyfYSNcam

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The Far Right forced Kollwitz to resign her professorship & she started on her Death Cycle including The Call of Death (self-portrait), Young Girl in the Lap of Death & Death Seizing a Woman (1934). It’s hard not to see these as symbolic of the collapse of German civilisation

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Me: Man I love Stellaris but I suck at it lol, never beaten it
Dad: Have you tried basic civilisation and resource management?
Me: No I have not
Me: *does it, it works*

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