wouwdld you like to pee immediately? ina good way? like RIGHTNOW? ok. Goodnews. my very sweet boyfs dashas art is right here.

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日本はGo to travelだが、北朝鮮はその上を行くGo to hellとは…たまげたなぁ。

北朝鮮が「コロナ怠慢罪」を新設か 隔離期間中の外出で射殺された者も? https://t.co/BKuRangzYC

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Today we're celebrating...
The first romantic suspense in my new series Danger in the Big Easy, WALKING THE EDGE, will be released at the end of this month. All 85K words (whew) coming soon.

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「映像研には手を出すな!」NYタイムズの「ベストTV番組2020」に https://t.co/cTZZ2lo3J1

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It's all about France Graham for this week's Here a stunning portrait (sold at Christies, 1995) & an casket with angels & initials (1877) which Burne-Jones designed for her. Andrew Gailey's new book 'Portrait of a Muse' will be reviewed in the PRS journal next year.

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「スーパーマリオブラザーズ3」未開封品 競売で約1600万円で落札 https://t.co/YIDJiN5KGN

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「トムとジェリー展」横浜赤レンガ倉庫で開催! https://t.co/OnxssG4ADz

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I really liked promo pictures so I went ahead and drew my take on one 👌

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盗んだバイクで走り出す~ 慣れたようすでバイクに乗るやぎ https://t.co/nB1pqdasfJ


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宮崎駿氏「僕には関係ないこと」 鬼滅の刃について胸中を明かす https://t.co/d5Pec1M0Cu


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カプコンに「身代金ウイルス」攻撃 「機密情報入手」取引迫る声明も https://t.co/zl98wmT1re


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Storywalk by shares the gorgeous children’s story Dreamers by about her finding the in 1994. A book for all beings

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娘の遺体埋め給付金10万円詐取し子猫購入「雰囲気明るくしたかった」 https://t.co/QuGZvBnE9O


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I drew Bat Boy, the “hoax” “character” “created” by tabloid Weekly Word News since Halloween is right around the corner

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Don’t forget to register for Killer Instincts or Murder One classes. We have two great classes November 1st - 30th
Visit the COFFIN class page https://t.co/ALRhiSbHkS to learn more and to register for classes!

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The Invisible Words committee has a new chairperson, Chris Davies. Let’s congratulate Chris!

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COFFIN has completed its lineup of 2021 workshops for innovative Killer Instincts and Murder One workshops to the program. We will be offering both 2-week and 4-week workshops throughout the year. For more information, visit https://t.co/vPmmPgCZFe

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The Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence is coming back in 2021!
Named for Daphne du Maurier, the author of Rebecca, The Daphne is a writing contest for published and unpublished authors of mystery/suspense. For more information, visit https://t.co/g0Q6GgVcpN

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And please make sure to stay at home, when you go out of the street, make sure to stand off from Corona and humans who didn't wear masks.
Thank you for listening.
One last random image before posting the last Mixels Content.

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京アニ「ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン」動員100万人を突破 https://t.co/RntKWHUS9V


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