The RPG Maker Degica Humble Bundle has RPG Maker engines, DLC, and past IGMC games and is raising money for and the How much has it raised for IGMC2018? It's over 9,000!

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Degica is back with another sweet RPG Maker software bundle. Degi-come and get it!

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Don't miss our latest tutorial on using subtle color to change character's faces. You will learn how to select and strategically place the perfect colors and details to match a character's personality.

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We are proud to reveal one of 's last remaining green heroes....

🐍🐍 VIPER 🐍🐍

His venom will not instantly kill you, but the damage over time effect can be used strategically to delay a kill on an enemy hero and stall its redeployment by a full turn!

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It's Degica Midweek Madness on Steam right now and that means everyone's favourite bullet hell shooters are up for grabs!
And don't forget to check all our other titles out too!

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The Degica Midweek Madness on Steam is here! 20% off Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai! 10% off the original Koihime Enbu! Deal ends Oct 5th!

The perfect time to pick up RyoRaiRai to play in the October 14th online Steam tournament!

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Do your homework: Studying your target clients not only allows you to do your job better, it also allows you to predict future needs. You'll be able to strategically learn new skills or acquire new styles that might be useful to them later on.

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夏コミ新刊のポケモン擬人化本「Pokegical Focus」の表紙デザインできましたよー!

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That strategically positioned long hair... 😂

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Heading to in Kyoto this weekend? Want to check out Rival Megagun! Hit up the Degica booth to try it out and meet the designer, Justin Rempel of

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To fully show how much I struggled, here is a particularly Steve Buscemi-esque WIP of her face ...before I strategically painted her hair over her right eye.

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Enjoy the touching Visual Novel Nurse Love Addiction for 55% off in the Humble Store Degica Sale! Head to nursing school with Asky where she will find love, friendship, and so much more!

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【Degica Gamesセール情報】現在Steamにて、「VRスプリングセール」が開催中です!
先日リリースした『初音ミクVR』や、アイドルたちの可愛いライブを体験できる『Hop Step Sing!』がお買い得です。ぜひチェックしてみてください!

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【DegicaGames セール情報】現在Steamにて『白衣性愛情依存症 (Nurse Love Addiction)』が50%オフの1,980円で販売中!セール期間は1週間ですので、この機会にゆるふわクラゲ系女の子の物語を楽しんでみてください!

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strategically posted this at night with no pictures from the actual update somehow 👌 

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わたるさん(@negicat_at)お誕生日おめでとうございました!!!!!遅刻し過ぎでごめんなさい!!!!!! 好きです!!!また遊んでください!!!!!

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夏コミお品書きを公開しました!新作はポケ擬フルカラーイラスト本「Pokegical Connect」とアクリルフィギュアとなります!2日目東M38b、サークル「ノペリア」をよろしくお願いしますー!

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夏コミ2日目(8/12)東M38bにて、ポケ擬フルカラーイラスト本「Pokegical Connect」を頒布します!

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夏コミ新刊のポケ擬本「Pokegical Connect」の表紙デザインできました!

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Degica Games will be at Come by Booth 4130 to try Senko no Ronde 2, OneShot, Symphonic Rain, Castle of Shikigami, and many more!

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