THM: EP 8 Gen 5 Director Robert Cullen talks behind the scenes of "A New Generation" - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here:

Howdy everypony! Today for our 8th episode of The Horses Mouth, we are joined by the …

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Celestia: *kiss kiss* I love you, my special boy! *kiss kiss kiss*

*Luna was broadcasting the adorable event to all of Canterlot and Ponyville for everypony to see*

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Apple Bloom: Aloha everypony! That means Hello.
Sweetie Belle: Today, 20 years ago, Lilo and Stitch released in cinemas, after it premiered 5 days earlier.
Scootaloo: So let's join Techno Lightning and Candy Dancer at the beach where the celebration will begin!

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Okay everypony, time for my super cool epic awesome 200 followers ART RAFFLE!!!!
♡ The raffle will end on June 30th and i will be pulling 3 usernames.
♡ Rules to enter: (in image)
(I will have examples of my art in this post)

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Well, considering today is the summer sun celebration, or summer solstice, I think the screenshot I got of the gif makes sense 😂

Happy longest day of the year everyone! (everypony???)🍎

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Hello everypony!! ✨ This is a small comic that I made showing you some of my characters in a superficial way, there are still a lot missing but these are the "main" ones for now

Introducción 1/2

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Happy Celestia day everypony!! ☀💖🦄

Art by the one and only

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LOVE HOW YOU DRAW PONES! Here’s mine, Ollie! Good luck, everypony! ✨

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The Horses Mouth - Big Jim and upcoming interviews! - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here:

Afternoon everypony, it's time again to announce our upcoming interview for this Saturday. This week, we will be talki…

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*Rainbow Dash dives into the water as everypony else watches in worry*

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wow! i thought i was the only one too!
i think everypony should go through this phase!

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✨Here ya go, good luck everypony!✨

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The Horse's Mouth Episode 6 | Equestria Daily Interviews Viva Reverie - Post up on the Equestria Daily website here:

Afternoon everypony, it's time again to announce our upcoming interview for this Saturday. This week…

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