To this day I never finished FO4 (since plot, what plot) but boy do I still love these two ruin of men

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3. Favourite OC (s)- Okay well obviously my mascot of.... 8 years now(?) Acid. Also my FO3 and FO4 characters Regan and Wash, who I love so much I recycle them into everything now LOL (Ellie is just cat furry Regan, they even have the same last name)

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わしもFO4は沢山の思い出があるよ(  ̄▽ ̄)

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Made my old FO4 character June for FO76 too! Too bad I cannot get her dirty appearance right.

Also wip of a lil portrait I started a while ago

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"RJ MacCready" as requested by Souvie.

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東1ホール E33b「ゆゆゆ」で参加します!

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tua holloway is more or less the protagonist™️... or the “sole survivor” in fo4 context. her full name is tua delmara rosario y dimaano and she is 41 when the great war happens/the story starts. she’s the child of two first gen immigrants (afro-mexican/filipino)

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i'm late to the show as always but X6 is my Undying Fave and Todd Coward wont let me have more interactions with him. a pox on your house todd.

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After four months, I finally found the motivation to draw some Edwards to match my Jack chibis! ♥

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no one will remember her but I love lucy abernathy from fo4

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TF2 is amazing, going strong after 10 years & still changing to this day.
Killzone has awesome story, amazing dark/indstrl artstyle to go with it.
Portal has introduced me to a new kind of game development as an FPS.
FO4 has many roads to take & great gameplay.

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i dredge up this old fo4 fanart to say i love!! x6!!!!!

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