Karna: Well then, it's time for me to leave as well. There's no need for words.

Guda: Is it because you'll feel sad if you say good bye, that's why you don't want to do so?

Karna: Are my thoughts... that easy to read...?

Yes, Karnacchi. 🤣

71 155

day 63: guda doing sca's hair because long hair is a pain

19 51

Guda: AUO, you overdid it! What if that Ishtar really was from space!?

Gil: No no, wait wait, I'm not the only one at fault here! You were also so into it! You and I both share the blame here!

My fave scene last GilFes, Gil don't you claim that everything is yours? 🤣

26 118

commission for , ft. his guda(o)sona and scathach.

this is my first time drawing shishou but i had fun heheh.

also happy (late) first day of spring!!

9 17


0 1

Guda: You just took my arm?!
Murasaki: Close... Too close! That's way too close!
Sei: Wassup, is Kaoru-cchi jelly?
Sei: Ah, can't be helped, uh.
Murasaki: Why do you take my arm now?!
Sei: And we're set! Let's get along all together!

25 58

melt: if u eat these u will turn into a pengui-
guda: bone app the teeth 🐧

0 9

Mori: Uhahahahaha! Master, your generation has too many things going on!

If you like someone, then just say it, then catch and kidnap them away so you'll be together!

Guda: No, no, both sides have to feel the sameー...

Mori-kun pls 🤣🤣

31 84

Asclepius: Let me take your pulse rate and temperature! What's your height and weight? Make it as accurate as possible!

Do you feel anything off right now? No? I won't forgive you if you lie to me!

Guda: How did giving you chocolate end up in a physical examination?!


46 86

Gray: Um... Mr. Iskander should prefer gorgeous wines and dishes, I have no courage to present him my candy at all
Guda: The King of Conquerors eats anything.
Guda: He ate cup noodles before me.

45 76

Mandri: Ah! Chocolate! So that's what it was! I'll gratefully accept! Is there a special way to eat it?

I'm so glad that you're not sending me back to the Throne!

Guda: I am NOT sending you back, seriously.

M: It's sweet...

29 63

Mandri: Choco...?

Guda: Listen to me, okay?

Mandri: Uh huh. Ahh! Valentine's day! So that's what it is! That surprised me, I thought my heart's gonna stop...!

Mandri pls 🤣🤣

14 34

Guda: Truth is, I came to give chocoー

Mandri: Thanks for everything until now. Do your best for humanity alright?

Sob. No, you're wrong. These aren't tears, it's just my heart is sweating.

G: I'm telling you, chocoー

M: It's alright, I'll watch over you from the Throne.


39 88

Mandricardo and his internal dialogue 🤣

Guda called him out, to give him chocolates, but he jumps to conclusions, thinking that he'll be sent back to the Throne of Heroes, since there are others, stronger & more famous Riders than him. He decides to face his fate with a smile.

19 62

Mandri: Master! Good work! Are off to a simulation or perhaps a singularity today? I'm alway up and ready, so we can go any time!

Guda: No, it's not that...

Mandri: It's not about that...?

*I wonder what is it...
Could it be, I'm gonna get sent back to the throne?!*

7 34

Guda: I'll be really happy if you eat it!

Junao: Eat...? Even though servants does not have the need to eat...?

Hm... It's sweet.

With this, is my mission over?

Guda: Uhm... yes...

Kamijuna pls 😅😅

16 27

Junao: I heard that you had called for me... so here I am...

Guda: Here, Arjuna. This is chocolate!

Junao: Hmm... Chocolate is... a kind of a sweet confection, isn't it. Is accepting this my mission for the day?

Guda: Uh... Yes?

Junao: Nothing... is happening...

23 29

Tristan: I'm scared of insects, so I'm keeping my eyes closed, but I can still feel them...

Guda: You're scared?!

Tristan: Yes, I'm not very good with insects... because they resemble fairies...like those vampire horses...

Someone, hand the bug spray over to ToriP 🤣

18 46

Mashu: Then what about a therapeutic walk in the forest, then a massage to relax the body? I heard that the relaxation effects are outstanding!

Ashu: I don't really get it but... Let's try that for now!

Guda: Alrighty! Let's do it!

1 11

Mashu: Then what about asking Parvati-san for some advice?

Ashu: Ugh! Sorry, Mashu, but I'd rather not...

Guda: Are you just like a working adult who doesn't want to trouble his mother?
You don't want to bother her?

Chiron: Hahaha! That's a strange way to say it!


17 47