probably not a problem? dude just got too much internalized homo--bondphobia

0 3

it's just a cardboard cutout of Judai

0 6

I do really like Rainbow Dragon though, it's like. very gay yes but also scary looking......... good pride mascot

0 4

"humph. that homo bonds agenda again"

0 4

I'm sorry his LITTLE FACES....

0 3

Ohhh the really blue palette used here is nice though. S3-4 GX really does do some nice things with colour here and there

0 4

THIS THIRD SHOT MADE ME LAUGH like. He looks horrified LOL but just flatly says "Yeah, I know." Honestly despite budget/animation issues, GX does a really good job at nailing expressions conveying... very specific emotions with what it has to work with

2 3

I love how he's just like "Well. Judai is cheating so, this one,"

also WOW I watched it last night but the top energy that came offa Johan in that shot was. Sure something lol

1 5

people have made that "homophobic gay" joke about Hell Kaiser Ryo but I think it's infinitely more fitting for Darkness Fujiwara lol

2 4

uncomfortably shoujo Saphire Pegasus

0 3

I like how, NOT ONCE has Judai ever failed A Hero Emerges in the entire fuckin' show as far as I remember...... Fujiwara's face is me

0 3

he fuckin' looks like a hamster here... I wanna poke his cheeks???

0 3

his monsters are so cool???? PRINT THEM

0 1

all three of these fuckers have the gayest cardgame gestures (I'm talking about The Trio, not Fujiwara and jujo lol)

0 1

Everyone like: the spiritshipping eps!!
me: look at this funky little rabbit go

0 2

I really think you just need a hug, dude? Shoulda let Fubuki hug you

0 3

ah yes. incredibly convenient plot device dragon

0 6

I'm serious, I can't. he just needs a hug....

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