In the upcoming Ox Herding Stories I'm looking forward to introducing many characters. Including his little sister

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You'd think a Collie would be better at herding its eyes...

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Time to start considering oxen for the Ten Ox Herding Tales.

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Still exploring ideas for the Ox Herding reboot. Looking for something I can be consistent with over the long haul.

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Pondering the journey in the Ten Ox Herding stories.

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A placeholder in anticipation of a reboot on the Ox-Herding stories this coming April.

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Rethinking the Ox Herder of the Ten Ox Herding Pictures.

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Modern day sheep herding is serious business

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Searcher and Bull return home in verse seven of the 10 Ox herding pictures.

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Moving to the half way point of the Ox herding pictures, with Taming the Bull.

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The bull is sighted in the third Ox Herding story.

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Taking the next step into the Ox herding pictures with poem two, Discovering Tracks

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The next step for TGG, with an exploration of the Ten Ox Herding pictures.

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