There's so much to learn about our beloved prophet. (-‿◦)

Art by Nayzak

2 7

Tesla chan
Islamic buff Asari
Birthday gift for
Push, character by

3 24

This is an important middle-grade book about bullying, Islamophobia, courage, community, & standing up for what's right, even when it's not easy. The protagonist has a solid moral code that could easily inspire young readers.

0 4

A simple smile can bring joy the people around you ヾ(^∇^)

Art by nayzak

1 5

Allah has blessed us with love and compassion (✿◠‿◠)

Art by Nayzak

4 9

The prophet p.b.u.h is a great man who we all should get to know. (^v^)

Art by Nazyzak

2 8

Acts of kindness are capable of lighting up someone else's entire life. Be that one to bring joy into someone's day. (^v^)

Art by Nayzak

2 9

Islam is truly a religion of freedom. (ノ^∇^)

Art by Nayzak

0 7

Islam does not shackle women. It sets them free. ヾ(^∇^)

Art by Nayzak

2 7