Kidge roleswap AU!②この設定だと最終的に二人が同い年になるのよくない!?!?いい!!!!! shattのほうも描きたい

4 28

roleswap auってこういうのでいいのかな? とりあえずkidgeとshattだけどallulanceとhunayでも描きたい。

2 14

Lance ‘Oh Shiro, you did it again’

9 34

Collab with
They provided the sketch and I outlined and colored it. Hope we do another one in the future!

10 27


1 15

What if they were all the same age? And if they were all together at Galaxy Garrison?

1 12

これがそのレアペアです。ヴォルトロンのキース君とピッジちゃん。略して  だよ!!かわいいよ!!!ヴォルトロンはネットフリックスで全8シーズン好評配信中ですよ!!!観てね!!!!!!

2 16


5 21


2 20

Mulan kidge au! Pidge as Mulan and Keith as Shang. Thank you for your request! Sorry for being late. I hope you like it.

0 23

ATLA kidge au! もちろんこの二人で描くよ(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

1 16

Happy New Year 2019!
With best New Year’s wishes.

4 20

I just noticed that Keith wasn’t wearing his 2019 glasses!!

2 12

Lunch date ❤️💚(or maybe a breakfast date?)

7 22

Mistletoe kiss!😘 まだmerry kidgemasやってる私

4 16