160619 Fanart for filming AIMATECH CF ..Mr.Shin & manager take of busily cr.logo

10 39

Cute Fanart filming AIMATECH new CF cr.CYY

16 29

160610 Fanart for LEMONA Fansign event playing with the dancing monkey toy cr.CYY

15 38

160610 Fanart for LEMONA Fansign event cr.CYY

6 27

Fanart for Dragon Boat Festival cr.monkey

8 32

160606 CUCKOO Facebook and weibo update promo pics

11 42

Fanart for LEMONA 🍃☀️ cr.logo

4 27

Various Fanart for LEMONA CF 🍃☀️ cr.logo

6 31

Adorable Fanart for June 1st Children's Day in China cr.monkey

7 32

Adorable Fanart for June 1st Children's Day in China cr.CYY

22 48

Adorable Fanart for June 1st Children's Day in China cr.CYY

17 46

160529 KEYEAST Japan mobile phone website update cr.Ruby via KSHBar

11 49

160527 CUCKOO weibo update Good morning~ ☀️✨

7 32

Polite as usual.. CF filming BTS cr.nnsoo

8 37